Good afternoon! There are still a few spots available on the Costa Rica/Panama July 2023 trip! Check out a detailed itinerary for Costa Rica here.
Safety Concerns
Thank you so much to those who have reached out with questions. A few have been worried about safety and I thought it might be helpful for me to note a few things here. I will be with my travelers 24/7 besides when they're asleep! They will be paired with other travelers on the same tour to share hotel rooms with, so we will all make sure to get to know each other over the next year leading up to the tour. Students also get to pick their roommates in advance. Each night I will do a "bed check" to make sure our travelers are in their rooms and that they will remain in their rooms to sleep through the night. (I have some ideas to ensure this, I will talk more about it with families who are enrolled). These "bed checks" will also serve as wellness checks. I will check in on their overall health and make sure they're doing okay and are ready for the next day's activities.
What if my child gets lost?
We will be so busy with a packed itinerary that students won't have time to wander off, and they won't be able to wander off regardless because I will do everything in my power to not let them out of my sight! Within our group, I plan to have my travelers each have a "travel buddy" with the goal being for no one to ever be alone. Even when we have to find a restroom, I will make sure they go in pairs or a small group, never alone. Because we are not a huge group, we will be teamed up with other traveling groups of students, so it won't be just our small group of travelers from Hanford. We will have a bigger group with more group leaders just like me. Most of them will be teachers or school staff who are putting on these trips for their own students!
What if my student has never been in an airport...
I will be flying out with my student travelers from Fresno and guiding them through the airports. I will be with them every step of the way! The great thing was I learned a lot about how to navigate airports on my training tour to Portugal. I am so grateful that EF has that training tour in place because now I am confident I can prepare my travelers for the best flying experience possible, and I can ensure they will not get lost in the airports. I will be in communication with my student's families every single day while on tour. I plan to keep you all updated with the help of my students creating blog posts detailing our activities and what not. :)
Spread the word!
I am so excited to make this a reality for more students. If you know of any families who may be interested, please forward them this information or direct them to my facebook, instagram, or blog! Let me know if you have any questions.
♡ Ms. Champlin