Today was a more relaxing day than the rest, we did more driving in the coach and we definitely napped! We started off our morning driving to Cholderton Rare Breeds Farm which took about 2 hours. The drive was worth it because the farm was absolutely beautiful.
Stonehenge Activity
The kids had the opportunity to participate in an activity that simulated what it was like for the people who created Stonehenge! It was amazing to watch them work together as a team. I laid across a hay bale during their activity as I tried to fix my blog 😂 so they had to do all the hard work themselves. Maybe that’s why I saw it as a relaxing day. 😏
They had some pieces of wood, some to use as rollers and some to help prop up the hay bales, and rope. They really had to strategize and plan how to move these gigantic hay bales, and they learned that it took approximately 800 years for Stonehenge to be created.
The biggest question they asked was WHY?! “Why would generations of people do this to themselves?” On the actual Stonehenge tour. learned some interesting facts about summer and winter solstice and how they relate to Stonehenge. It is incredibly interesting, look it up!
Today we went to Cholderton Rare Breeds Farm and did a miniature stonehenge activity where we learned how the builders of stonehenge may have done it. We split into two teams and moved a big hay bale and then stood it up like a big stone.
After we walked around the farm and saw these big cows, but the best part was this massive pig that was over 6 feet long and probably 500 pounds.
Then we went to Stonehenge and had a guided tour and it was really cool because it seemed very mysterious and spooky because the monument is around 5000 years old but it looks like some rocks in the middle of empty fields.
After Stonehenge we went to the station where they filmed some of the Harry Potter movies and had a guided tour around london to all the notorious scenes filmed in the city.
We went to a really nice farm today. Initially I was hesitant about coming because I’m not much of a farm girl, but I actually enjoyed it a lot.
There were so many animals, I didn’t even see all of them. I got to see a fluffy cow, and almost lost my mind when I found out they had them because I adore fluffy cows so much. I replaced a picture of my boyfriend and I with a picture of it for my lock screen 😭.
We also got to see an absolute unit of a pig, we used the measuring app on our phones and it was 6’11”- absolutely monstrous. (Pictured above in Ryan’s post).
There were some alpacas that looked evil, so we made fun of them.
Avery (one of our new friends from Kentucky) tried to touch one but was unsuccessful (which was probably a good thing tbh, what if it spit on her).
All in all, it was a great experience and I’m happy it happened because it’s not something I would typically do at home :)
Short and sweet - I thought stonehenge was going to be a play structure. i was wrong but the stones were pretty cool to see. it has the best attraction souvenir shop by far.
Harry Potter Tour
After Stonehenge we made the long trek back to London to have dinner at a nice restaurant in a tube station.
The station was where the Harry Potter store is and we got to see a lot of places where some of the Harry Potter movies were filmed! We didn’t wait in the long line to take a picture at the replica of the 9 3/4 station, but we did get to go where the actual film was shot for that scene! We then went on a walking tour with a woman who claimed to be Professor Sprout’s sister, and stayed in character for 99% of the tour.
We were beyond delirious at this point and were NOT behaving well 😂 The boys must have rubbed off on Richelle and I, because everything was hilarious and we could not stop making jokes and just being straight up goofy and messing with each other while in this walking tour (pushing into bushes, putting chewed gum inside Champlin’s water bottle, just being absolute children).
We found some amazing statues of animals that are in danger of extinction who were sitting around a dinner table.
There were two seats to sit and take a picture at the table, so Richelle and I sat down and I wanted my back to show because I was wearing the tour shirt I made!
Huge shout out to Kings County Board of Realtors for giving us a donation that made this trip possible. ♡
So anyway, I took off my backpack and said “I may be a little sweaty but hopefully you can’t tell!” The kids busted up laughing and I looked behind to see the sweat left an outline of my backpack clear as day.
I. WAS. SOAKED. Embarrassing. That’s been the only annoying thing about this trip: having a sweaty back with the backpack every day 😂
You need to know that Ryan is now notorious for yelling “Yea-uh!” in a British accent about everything and it makes us laugh every single time. Ryan is so freaking funny, I haven’t laughed this hard every day in a long time.
Apparently that uncontrollable laughing trait is now called my “Tay Tay” personality. I think it’s important to mention that the kids now have 10+ names for me. Champ Champ, T Champ, Tay Champ, Tay Tay, Tay Swizzle, Biggie T, etc etc. They are quite creative.
“Londonians… Is that what you call London people? Londonians?” -Richelle
They snagged this picture of me knocked out at the end of this day…
So you can expect to see sleeping pictures of these beauties as well 🤗
Stay tuned for more. :)
♡ Champlin